Consumer Reports: Used Cars that used to be rentals WOAI
Did you know that many used cars actually come from car-rental companies? Some people buy rental cars from used-car dealerships without even realizing it.
The Used Marketplace
Consumer Reports: Used Cars that used to be rentals WOAI
Did you know that many used cars actually come from car-rental companies? Some people buy rental cars from used-car dealerships without even realizing it.
Leases, used car sales could be hurt by tax refunds Citizens Voice
The warnings flashed a few years back: 2019 was to be a year of the “lease tsunami.” A glut of cars, trucks and SUVs leased a few years ago are set to come off …
As the battle over a large used car dealership continues, the future is murky for Muck Pond Road Tampa Bay Times
Hillsborough County staff have given an initial okay to turning a 19-acre cow pasture into a 1000-vehicle used car lot. Its rural neighbors are aghast.
Consumer Reports: Used Cars that used to be rentals KATU
Did you know that many used cars actually come from car-rental companies? Some people buy rental cars from used-car dealerships without even realizing it.
New legislation proposes clamping down on NJ used-car industry, following consumer abuse report NJBIZ
Lawmakers want to ramp up scrutiny of the state’s used-car industry, which has found itself in hot water following a scathing November 2018 report which found …
Many Used Cars Come From Car Rental Companies
GREENSBORO, North Carolina — Did you know that many used cars actually come from car-rental companies? Some people buy rental cars from used-car …