Man learns the hard way to use caution when buying used cars WHSV
BMW completed an investigation into a Charlottesville man’s car that had exploded in June. They said the issue was due to the neglect of previous owners.
The Used Marketplace
Man learns the hard way to use caution when buying used cars WHSV
BMW completed an investigation into a Charlottesville man’s car that had exploded in June. They said the issue was due to the neglect of previous owners.
Resistance is utile: Magnetite nanowires with sharp insulating transition Science Daily
Scientists have produced Fe3O4 nanowires on 10-nm length scales by deposition on an MgO substrate. When cooled to 110 K, the nanowires showed a sharp …
ThriftBooks’ Dallas Used Book Fulfillment Center to Become Its Largest in the Country
ThriftBooks, which calls itself the world’s largest seller of used books, is turning a new page on its Dallas operations with the massive expansion of its …
Retail demand continues ‘shift’ to used cars Auto Remarketing
The senior economist of the National Automobile Dealers Association sees a continued “shift” in demand from new cars to used on the horizon, according to a …
Legislation would allow used cars with open recalls to be sold WCVB Boston
5 Investigates has alerted you to the danger of cars being sold with open, unfixed safety recalls. Now, there’s pending legislation in Mass. that would allow the …
Cambridge Uni graphene spin-out bags $ 16M to get its first product to market TechCrunch
Cambridge, UK based graphene startup, Paragraf, has closed a £12.8 million (~$ 16M) Series A round of funding led by early stage VC Parkwalk. Also investing …