Ionia bans cell phones at middle school WXMI FOX 17 West Michigan
IONIA, Mich. – Middle school students in Ionia won’t need a cell phone in their back-to-school preparations. The Ionia Board of Education decided Monday night …
The Used Marketplace
Ionia bans cell phones at middle school WXMI FOX 17 West Michigan
IONIA, Mich. – Middle school students in Ionia won’t need a cell phone in their back-to-school preparations. The Ionia Board of Education decided Monday night …
Man learns the hard way to use caution when buying used cars WHSV
BMW completed an investigation into a Charlottesville man’s car that had exploded in June. They said the issue was due to the neglect of previous owners.
Resistance is utile: Magnetite nanowires with sharp insulating transition Science Daily
Scientists have produced Fe3O4 nanowires on 10-nm length scales by deposition on an MgO substrate. When cooled to 110 K, the nanowires showed a sharp …
ThriftBooks’ Dallas Used Book Fulfillment Center to Become Its Largest in the Country
ThriftBooks, which calls itself the world’s largest seller of used books, is turning a new page on its Dallas operations with the massive expansion of its …
Retail demand continues ‘shift’ to used cars Auto Remarketing
The senior economist of the National Automobile Dealers Association sees a continued “shift” in demand from new cars to used on the horizon, according to a …
Legislation would allow used cars with open recalls to be sold WCVB Boston
5 Investigates has alerted you to the danger of cars being sold with open, unfixed safety recalls. Now, there’s pending legislation in Mass. that would allow the …