Some school districts banning cell phone usage | Local News Cleburne Times-Review
As technology has changed over the years, residents now have their own computer in their hands they can use on a daily basis to contact family members, …
The Used Marketplace
Some school districts banning cell phone usage | Local News Cleburne Times-Review
As technology has changed over the years, residents now have their own computer in their hands they can use on a daily basis to contact family members, …
Electronics Meets Textiles in an Array of Innovative Guises Electronic Design
Textiles and electronics are forming mutually beneficial relationships, with components and functions such as optical devices and flexible sensors embedded in …
NYC’s ‘last used book store’ is packed after GoFundMe success New York Post
The “last used bookstore on the Upper West Side” was saved from shuttering thanks to an online fundraiser that collected over $ 50000 in four days — and …
Leases, used car sales could be hurt by tax refunds Citizens Voice
The warnings flashed a few years back: 2019 was to be a year of the “lease tsunami.” A glut of cars, trucks and SUVs leased a few years ago are set to come off …
The ‘last used book store on the Upper West Side’ may not close after all New York Post
This story might have a happy ending after all. The so-called “last used bookstore on the Upper West Side,” which announced its imminent closure last week, …
As the battle over a large used car dealership continues, the future is murky for Muck Pond Road Tampa Bay Times
Hillsborough County staff have given an initial okay to turning a 19-acre cow pasture into a 1000-vehicle used car lot. Its rural neighbors are aghast.