The Kawasaki Versys family gained a new sibling this year in the form of the Versys-X 300. It weighs just 386 pounds with a full tank of gas (4.5 gallons) and features the engine from the Ninja 300, i.e., a 296 cc parallel-twin. Priced at just $ 5,699 for the ABS version tested (the non-ABS model […] – Motorcycle News, Editorials, Product Reviews and Bike Reviews
For Sale: 2001 BAJA 33 Outlaw
The Baja True V Hull gives you the smoothest of rides through the roughest of water Surprisingly large cabin contains V berth …
Apollo Duck USA
Cellphones: Texting While Walking Is Causing People to Hurt Themselves – Newsweek
Newsweek |
Cellphones: Texting While Walking Is Causing People to Hurt Themselves
Newsweek Should other countries copy China and adopt separate pedestrian walkways for people using cellphones? That's one possible conclusion to draw from a study that suggests using your cell changes the way you walk. The study, led by scientists at Anglia … |
Action News Jax Investigates: Jacksonville car dealers tracking used cars – |
Action News Jax Investigates: Jacksonville car dealers tracking used cars Used car dealers are now able to track and even shut down a vehicle with the touch of a button. If you own a used car, there's a good chance you're being tracked. The technology is legal, but an Action News Jax investigation uncovered that there are … |
Max Biaggi Leaves Intensive Care on His 46th Birthday (News)
Seventeen days after a Supermoto accident left him with 11 broken ribs, a broken collarbone and lung injuries requiring surgery, six-time World champion Max Biaggi left intensive care earlier today (his 46th birthday). His girlfriend Bianca Atzei posted this photo on Instagram. Here is what Biaggi himself wrote on Twitter (translated from the Italian): “This […] – Motorcycle News, Editorials, Product Reviews and Bike Reviews
For Sale: 2003 RAMPAGE 38 EXPRESS
Clean low hour CAT powered 38 Rampage that is ready to fish today she needs nothing Fresh bottom was completed spring 2017 …
Apollo Duck USA